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A member registered Oct 18, 2019

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(1 edit)

Here is the SVG file. Letters and all straight from Inkscape. Can you tell me how to fix this issue?

Hey thanks cjj. I used Inkscape when copy pasting the shapes onto the city .json. I probably improperly converted the formatting but I did as the guide told me to do. There were some weird letters in the shape code too and I got rid of those because they would be out of place in the city file. 

Could you please tell me how to convert the vectors from the svg file to the json file? I followed your steps but it seems like I missed some crucial steps that wasn’t in your guide when converting my svg file from Inkscape.

I am following the map making guide and got around to the middle of it and decided to test my map out. I tried to load the game and select my map but it's not there! I didn't leave any brackets open and all statements end in commas. I made sure to have the files end in .json as well. I need help resolving this issue so can one of the devs help me find out what I did wrong? I am a Mac user using the steam version.

Here are my files: